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It's better than a bat in the eye with a burnt stick!

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Tuesday 26 March 2019

Getting ready

Saturday, March 26th., Cadogan Square, London.

I don't think I will continue with "The Accident" until after my Greek cruise. I haven't got the ideas very clear yet for Part II, and there is no hurry. And I have heaps of other work to do. I might do two short stories beside all my articles by Good Friday. And I could return to the novel with a fresh mind on my return. I think it might make a radical difference to the end of the novel. I have speculated before that the context (psychological) in which one writes makes a difference to the 'tone' of the writing. This is now decided. 

I have been sleeping better lately. The other night I had 6 hours unbroken. Felt quite groggy when I woke up, but definitely beneficial. Last night was only fair, vitiated by over-smoking. However at the end I received from God, or somewhere, just over two and a half hours of unbroken sleep, and at 5.45 accordingly felt restored to health. So much so that before dressing I wrote a little opinion, at the request of the Sunday Express, about the pirating of Joyce's "Ulysses" by one Samuel Roth. Into this I contrived to insinuate the opinion that Joyce is a very important figure in the evolution of the novel.

Tomorrow I start for Greece, hoping for some warmth, some wine, and a complete change of scene.

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